Born in Dragalina, Călăraşi county, Romania, on 25.08.1968
Bachelor of Arts in Sculpture, Class of Aurel Cucu, "Ion Andreescu" Visual Arts Academy, Cluj Napoca, Roamnia - 1997
Teacher at "Aurel Popp" Art High School Satu Mare, Romania (1997-2012)
Principal at "Aurel Popp" Art High School Satu Mare, Romania (2005-2010)
UAPR member since 1998
Saskatchewan Craft Council former member                                
 Mendel Art Gallery Saskatoon member since 2012
Group Exhibitions

"Nude Saskatchewan Exibition" NAC , Regina, SK. Canada - 2013
"Atelier" Group Exhibition, Art Museum Satu Mare, Romania - 2012, 2013
"Imaterial" Group Exhibition, Art Gallery Satu Mare, Romania - 2012
"Black and White Quotidian", Art Museum Satu Mare, Romania - 2011,2013
Art Gallery Satu Mare, Romania - 2010
Stedelijk Museum Zutphen, Holland - 2010; 2008
Rzeszow, Poland2010
"Black and White", Art Museum Satu Mare, Romania - 2009
"Visual Dialogues", Art Museum Satu Mare, Romania - 2008
 Art Gallery Baia Mare, Romania - 2008
"Bronze Age", Cluj - Napoca, Romania - 2007
"Fontana Group", Apollo Galleries Bucharest, Romania - 2006
Art Museum Satu Mare, Romania - 2005
"Dinu Lipatti" Philharmonic Satu Mare, Romania - 2005
Interart Satu Mare & Oradea, Art Museum Satu Mare, Romania - 2004 
Interart Satu Mare & Baia Mare, Art Museum Satu Mare, Romania - 2003
Zutphen, Holland - 2002
Art Gallery Satu Mare, Romania; “Dinu Lipatti" Philharmonic Satu Mare, Roamnia; Debrecen, Hungary; Torino, Italy - 2001
Art Gallery "Jansen & Kooy" Zutphen, Holland - 2000
50 years of U.A.P. Satu Mare, Art Gallery Satu Mare, Romania - 2000
Art Gallery Satu Mare, Romania; "Ion Ţiriac" Bank Satu Mare, Romania - 1999
"INTERIOR esEU" Art Museum Satu Mare, Romania - 1997
Bronze Sculpture Exhibition "La Porta per citta di Dante: Purgatorio" - The XII International Biennale, Ravenna, Italy, Apollo Galleries Bucharest, Romania - 1997
75 years since "Ion Andreescu" Institution was founded, U. A. P. Galleries Cluj - Napoca, Romania - 1995
"Academy 70" – U. A. P. Galleries, Cluj - Napoca, Romania - 1995

Annual Exhibition

Saskatoon Fringe Festival on Broadway, SK. Canada - 2014
"Art in the Park"  13th annual Caswell Arts Festival, Saskatoon, SK. Canada - 2014
"Show and Sale" Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, SK. Canada - 2013, 2014
The 7th International Sculpture Saloon, Tg. Jiu, Romania - 2011
Annual Art Exhibition, Art Museum Satu Mare, Romania - 2007
Annual Exhibition of Graphic Art, Satu Mare, Romania - 1998
Annual Art Exhibition, Oaş Region Museum, Negreşti - Oaş, Romania - 1997
Autumn Saloon, Satu Mare, Romania - 1997
Annual Small Sculpture Saloon, Horizon Galleries Bucharest, Romania - 1996
Drawing Saloon "Human Body", Art Galleries Braşov, Romania – 1995

Biennial Exhibitions

International Sculpture Biennial "Meeting Point" - 3rd edition, Arad, Romania - 2011
Small Sculptures Biennial , Arad, Romania - 2000; 2004
International  Biennial of Belle Art, Reşita, Romania - 1998
International Biennial of Belle Art, Buzău, Romania - 1998
National Biennial of Small Sculptures, Arad, Romania - 1998
Biennial Competition Festival of Art "LascarViorel" Piatra Neamţ, Romania - 1997
International Dante Biennial of Bronze-work, Ravenna, Italy - 1996
Biennial Art "Gheorghe Petraşcu" Târgovişte, Romania -  3rd prize - 1996

Symposiums - Camps

International Sculpture Symposium, Schwendau, Austria - 2011
International Sculpture Symposium, Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovakia - 2010
International Sculpture Symposium, Sangiorz - Bai, Romania - 2010
Stone Sculpture Camp, Castelvecchio di Pescia, Toscana, Italy - 2009
International Art Symposium, D. Fleiss & East - West Artists, Mallnitz, Austria - 2010; 2009; 2008
International Art Symposium, "Form – Ambient – Color", Negresti, Romania - 2008
"Exterior Ambient Bratislava” Expo Incheba, Bratislava, Slovakia - 2007
International Art Symposium, D. Fleiss & East - West Artists, Carei, Romania – 2009; 2007; 2006; 2005; 2004
Sculpture Symposium "Art and Sacredness" Cucuteni, Romania - 2004
Sculpture Symposium Vama Buzăului, Braşov, Romania - 2003
International Art Symposium, D. Fleiss & East - West Artists, Essen - Velbert, Germany - 2002
International Summer University, D. Fleiss & East - West Artists, Carei, Romania - 2001
The Second Stone International Sculpture Symposium, Japan "Project Exhibitions" - 1997
Metal Sculpture Camp, Galaţi, Romania - Dissertation Thesis - 1997
Wood Sculpture Camp, Căptălani - Alba, Romania - prize for the best work - 1996
Stone Sculpture Camp, Albac - Alba, Romania - 1994

Personal Exhibitions

Oas Region Museum, Negresti, Romania - 2004
Karoly Castel, Carei, Romania - 2004
Art Museum Satu Mare, Romania - 2003
Day Care Center for Elderly People "Hope", Satu Mare, Romania - 1997

Other activities

 Happening "Made by Paper" North Theater Satu Mare, Romania - 2008
 "La Strada" Festival Sibiu, Romania - 2004
 Happening "Little Prince" Satu Mare, Romania - (1997 - 2007)
 Art Market, Zutphen, Holland - 2000

Donations: Day Care Center for elderly people "Hope", Satu Mare, Romania
Works in private collections: France, Germany, Holland, Malaysia, Philippines, Romania
Hobbies: Dance, playing guitar, traveling, ecology

Address: Saskatoon, Canada

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